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Environmental Design

Intuitive Feng Shui Balance

Home or Office as Sanctuary & Sacred Space

~ Environmental Spatial Cleanse & Balance ~

80% of our adult lives is spent in enclosed spaces that are built to facilitate production and safety but are rarely calm, emotional nourishing or spiritual healthy.  Personal space must be more than just clean, well work appointed and physically safe:

it is imperative to have home and work space be sanctuary and haven.

EcoQi Environmental Practitioner, B.Ber evaluates personal and work environments combining tenants of Feng Shui, Magnetic and Ley Line energy flow, Past and Present Habitation energy signatures plus each client's personal utilization, taste and spirituality.  The result is a balanced space; purged of chaotic and negative energy, specifically modulated and synchronized patterns and wavelengths of

light, sound and life energy.  

B.Ber's properly designed, cleansed, dedicated and balanced living and work spaces  increase a sense of well being, productivity, comfort and sanctuary plus emotional and physical health and well being whether it is a desk, single room, building or entire complex.  

EcoQi Environmental Balance & Design works with full understanding and respect of each client's spatial parameters, design acumen, budget and décor.


 Moving into a new home or office?

Cleanse, Dedication and EcoQi Balance prior to habitation to increase well being and comfort.


Sacred & Meditation Spaces


Sacred Spaces, Meditation Environments & Rooms are becoming an integral part of Home, Healing and Corporate design and daily life.  Creation and execution of these most personal and nourishing spaces is a highly intricate and detailed undertaking.

Each space must embrace the perfect balance of all energies, calming beauty plus deep recognition and understanding of the space's purpose.

Just as importantly, the desires, belief and acumen of the client must

be a component of the space.

From a corner in a room to an entire compound, working with

each person's visions, budget and needs.

B.Ber creates a harmonious and beautifully balanced

physical and metaphysical Sacred or Meditation Space 

Start your creation of an Eco-Qi balanced environment,

click the contact button.  






Arts &  Sciences

by B.Ber

Consultant  ~ Practitioner  ~  LightWorker

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